Monday, February 1, 2010

Milk Eng Streaming Not A Typical Day, Will I Gain Weight From Eating This In A Day And Didn't Jog?

Not a typical day, will i gain weight from eating this in a day and didn't jog? - milk eng streaming

Not a typical day for me, but I ate 2 Eng. Muffins (wheat), egg, cream of wheat (old style), low-fat yogurt, granola, and blueberries --- a little cheese and wheat diluted peanut M & s. torque MA and a piece of apple crisp w / milk. I run every day, but I have today, but I do weight training and caring for my 8 months old ... Will I gain weight by eating this?


..... said...

LMAO @ Bob! This is bad.

Do not worry ... Be sure to burn out the next day. It's OK to splurge occasionally, but in moderation ... not completely bereft of good ... As long as you have your diet in general is healthy (low in calories, saturated fat, etc.), then it must be OK.


Tigger said...

Probably not. Search Make sure enough protein and vitamins and minerals you need for a baby may require, after all.

daboom42... said...

Also, the number of calories that you take. It is a list of all the food in the garbage a day. Granola is extremely high in fat, like milk. Run go now. Yes, more than you limit your calorie intake and weight gain, do not worry its just one day.

bob s said...

u but ur probably already quite fat, so you do not worry

xo_erica... said...

How many calories you usually eat in one day?
You need to eat an extra 3500 more than you usually eat for a pound, if not, not weight.
Tomorrow morning, the extent (if you're stupid enough to check the next day), can you say you have grown, but probably water, sodium retenetion all the extras (cheese, peanuts, etc.), glycogen storage, and additional food in the stomach.

I think it weighed about 3 days and tomorrow back to the car. and the next time you eat so much food, do not try to eat carbohydrates so many years, instead of eating vegetables.

katherine w said...

No. are not the things stored until the fat body after 3 days after ingestion of excessive

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